Stina Persson

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beautiful and inspirig fashion illustrations by Stina Persson

Sophie Griotto

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sophie griotto’s illustrations are playful with a great use of colour and with a great understanding of the human form 🙂

Petra Dufkova

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petra dufkova uk fashion illustrator who’s work is full of colour and sketchy line which makes it seem to come to life

Akari Inoguchi

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an interesting take on lewis carols alice in wonderland

Akari Inoguchi is a graphic designer             and visual artist working in a diverse range of media. She contributes             illustrations to fashion magazines, television commercials, product             packages and labels, t-shirts, and textile designs. Akari also produces             paintings, drawings, digital prints, and murals, and has participated             in numerous shows in the U.S. and Japan.

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Bobby Hillson has been making fashion illustrations throughout her career.  Her first assignments were for a variety of Condé Nast publications including Vogue for whom she worked as a full-time illustrator.  She later worked for The Sunday Times and The Observer. She was present at Coco Chanel’s comeback show in the mid Fifities.

In 1969 she founded her own children’s wear brand that was sold internationally and pieces from an early collection were acquired by the Bath Museum of Costume for permanent display.  In 1974 The Times Newspaper nominated her their designer of the year.

In the late Seventies, Hillson returned to Saint Martin’s where she herself had studied and set up the MA Fashion Course.  She famously offered Alexander McQueen a place on the course when he made an unscheduled visit to the college to ask Hillson for a job as a cutter.  She also taught, amongst others, Stephen Jones, John Flett and Rifat Ozbek.

Hillson lives and works in London.


info sourced from:

Ted Baker competition D&AD

as well as penguin books i am also looking to do a competition for the design company Ted Backer, just found their blog to help me with reserch. what i am requiered to do is sell the “britishness” of Ted Backer to countries such as the USA, China or Japan which to me sounds easyt as i LOVE! Japan :3 and i LOVE Manga too but for the time being just stick to looking at fashion illustrations and “britishness”

insperation Koyamori

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have a competition for penguin books to do, i’ve chosen to do the children’s book cover for kenneth graham’s “the wind and the willows” and i didn’t want to do it in the conventional sense. what i love about koyamori’s work is that it’s simple, colourful and full of small details completely the opposite to what i have been doing recently, to me this is exciting as it gives me a chance to experiment with style 🙂


all images in this post are copywright of koyamori, more examples of her work can be found on her deviant art:

Frost Flowers

DUDE !!!!! O.O

These Wooden Ideas

“These beautiful and other-worldly photographs of ice were taken last year by University of Washington graduate student Jeff Bowman and his professor Jody Deming while they worked on a study combining oceanography, microbiology, and planetary sciences in the central Arctic Ocean as part of the Integrated Graduate Education and Research Training (IGERT) program. Their single focus was the study of frost flowers, a strange phenomenon where frost grows from imperfections in the surface ice amid extreme sub-zero temperatures nearing -22C or -7.6F, forming spiky structures that have been found to house microorganisms. In fact, the bacteria found in the frost flowers is much more dense than in the frozen water below it, meaning each flower is essentially a temporary ecosystem, not unlike a coral reef. Via IGERT:

Around their research icebreaker in the central Arctic Ocean new ice grows on long open cracks that network amongst the thick floes…

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La rue en rose

here’s one for niel from the discourse like session that we had this morning 😀 love the colurful makes the image more playfull ^^

Davide Capponi photography

La rue en rose

This is  a view of via Garibaldi in Torino.  This has been shot with my iPhone 4s.

The app used to shot the image was HarrisCamera, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using PicsPlayPro.

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picturing time prints

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using the same sandblasting process as i did for the “brave new world” i created these prints as i said in my previous post i think i caould sti;; improve on this image and improve on my idea on using chrono’s and the fates although reference to chrono’s is in this image through the use of the syth.  as i liked the graphic approtch that i had in the “brave new world” work i think i could try using this again for this assignment. however i do think that i could possibly use these images as final;s but i will need to have a tutorial to see if this is the right drcision.

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